
Anita Topa
Anita Topa
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MHL - Cafeteria

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22 10 24


1:50 PM - 4:30 PM

Tuesday Tour – National Gallery

Verbesser dein Englisch, während du einer anderen sozialen Aktivität im Freien nachgehst!

Lust auf Kunstgenuss?

The National Gallery of Ireland houses the national collection of Irish and European art. Located in the heart of Dublin, it was founded in 1854 and opened its doors ten years later.

Not only does the gallery have an extensive collection of Irish paintings but it also keeps Italian Baroque art and that of the Dutch masters. Nowadays, its collection includes pieces from some of the most famous artists of all time: Yeats, Henry, Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Rubens, Picasso, Goya, Delacroix, Monet, Caravaggio, Lippi, Kauffman, Dillon, and many more!

Join us to explore the Gallery and discuss these masterpieces!
