Code of Conduct for Students 

Things you should ALWAYS do: 

  • Leave your money and valuables at home 
  • We don’t want you to lose your valuable items while you are here. For that reason, we advise you not to bring lots of expensive electronic devices or cash. What you do bring, you should mostly leave in your room, with your host family if they agree to accept your stuff. 
  • Be extra careful when walking with your phone as sometimes people on motorbikes might try and steal it from your hands. Keep it in your pocket and hold on tight when you are using it in a busy area. 
  • Be on time for all classes and activities. 
  • We don’t want you to miss any part of your lessons or activities. If you are late for them, it will disrupt your classmates.  
  • Take an active part in lessons and all activities. 
  • The course will be most enjoyable if you try your best in all your lessons and activities. You’ll also find your English will get better quicker if you try to use it as much as possible. 
  • Be kind and friendly to other students and staff. 
  • Treat people as you want them to treat you. 
  • Be careful not to endanger yourself or others. 
  • Your safety is our highest priority. Sometimes something might not appear to be dangerous, but our staff are trained to know what can cause you or other students harm, so please listen to them. 
  • Look after your belongings and the school. 
  • Don’t do anything that might damage or break anything belonging to the school or your hosts. 
  • Speak English 
  • We want you to speak English as much as possible, because this helps you to improve your communication skills in English. Speaking English in class and during the activities is especially important. 

Things you should NEVER do: 

The safety and wellbeing of our students is the most important thing for us. Rules and laws are there for everyone’s safety. Students who break the law, do not obey the course rules, who repeatedly misbehave, do not follow the instructions of course staff or otherwise disrupt or adversely affect the smooth running of the course will be subject to the disciplinary procedure laid out below. 


We do not accept bullying at ISI Dublin. Bullying can be causing physical harm to another person, but it can also be emotional, like making fun of someone in public or online. If you are being bullied, or if you witness someone being bullied, please tell a member of staff and we will deal with it. 

Use bad language or fight with anyone.  

Fighting and bad language (including in your own language) spoils the fun for everyone. If you have a disagreement with another student, try and work it out calmly or ask a staff member to help you. Violence is not an acceptable response. Be respectful as all time. 

Use your mobile phone when you shouldn’t. 

Unless a member of staff tells you otherwise, mobile phones are not allowed in classrooms, meetings, activities, or after bedtime. This applies to any handheld electronic device. You’ll have plenty of time to stay in contact with your friends and family, but you’ll get a lot more out of your time with us if you put your phone away and engage with your lesson, activity, or just being around the other students.  

Chew gum or drop litter.  

We need to keep the school clean. Disposing of chewing gum can be messy so that is why chewing gum isn’t allowed. Please use the bins provided for all rubbish. If you drop gum or litter in the street, you might have to pay a fine. 

Damage school property.  

Equipment costs money to repair or replace. You or your parents will be billed for any school property that is damaged deliberately or through misuse. This includes using fire extinguishers if there is no fire. If you break something accidentally, don’t worry, these things happen. Make sure to tell a member of staff if that happens, and we’ll deal with it from there. 

While in Ireland, all our staff have been trained and work to keep you safe. However, if there is an emergency that a member of staff is unable to deal with, the telephone number for the police, fire brigade or ambulance service is 999. The common European emergency number 112 is also used in Ireland so you can use either. 

Please note that our habits and rules in Ireland may be different to those in your own country. 

Always remember

  • Be polite and join queues,
  • Use bins. Do not leave litter anywhere, if you do, you might be fined,
  • Do not block paths or walkways. Think of other people who are around you,
  • Do not crossroads until you see the green signal, 
  • Remember that cars drive on the left so when you cross the road, look right first then left,
  • Be quiet when you are in public places unless there’s an emergency,
  • Always say “hello”, “goodbye”, “please” and “thank you”,
  • Everyone is equal in Ireland by law, so don’t treat people differently because of gender, nationality, religion, sexuality, skin colour, etc.