Attendance policy

Every day, we make sure to fill out attendance records for each lesson at ISI English Language School in Dublin. We encourage all students to arrive on time for their classes. If someone comes in more than 5 minutes late, unfortunately, they’ll be considered absent for the entire first hour. When visa students join us on their first day, we explain to them that they need to maintain at least an 85% attendance rate throughout their course. It’s an important rule to ensure everyone gets the most out of their learning experience.

Attendance records and warnings

Classroom procedure

Teachers take attendance every hour, and if a student misses more than 15 minutes of a class hour, they’re marked absent for the entire hour. To receive full attendance credit, students need to arrive on time, return from breaks promptly, and remain in class until the lesson ends. At the end of each week, teachers return the attendance sheets to the Academic Department.

Checking attendance rates

All Academic Year students at ISI English Language School in Dublin must maintain an attendance rate of at least 85% throughout their course. During the first 4 weeks and again after 6 weeks of classes, we check the attendance of all AY students to ensure it hasn’t dropped below 80%. If it does, they’ll receive a warning email. If a student’s attendance remains below 85% after 6 weeks, they’ll receive their first warning letter. Additionally, the student’s name, date of birth, and attendance rate will be reported to the GNIB in accordance with the regulations set in 2016.

Warning Letter Systems

Students who have arrived in Ireland on a student visa are required by law to attend at least 85% of the course they’ve registered for. It’s the student’s duty to attend classes regularly and to notify the school if they can’t make it for any reason. Every 6 weeks, the Attendance Monitor checks the attendance of Academic Year students and sends warning letters to those whose attendance falls below 85%.

First warning letter

If a student’s attendance drops below the required minimum level, they will receive their first warning letter. They will then have 6 weeks to increase their attendance to 85%. If their attendance is too low to reach 85% within this time frame, they must achieve full attendance for the following 6 weeks.

Second warning letter

If a student is unable to increase their attendance to the required minimum of 85% or fails to achieve full attendance for 6 consecutive weeks, they will receive a second warning letter. If the student continues to fall short of full attendance for another 6-week period, they will receive their third warning letter.

Third warning letter

Students who receive a third warning letter must attend all classes for the next 4 weeks without any absences. If they miss any day or part of a class during this period, they will be expelled from the school immediately.

GNIB letter

On expulsion from the school, a letter will be sent to GNIB informing them that the student is no longer enrolled on a course with ISI.