
Melissa Olivas
Melissa Olivas


MHL - Cafeteria

More Info



16 09 24


1:50 PM - 5:30 PM

Phoenix Park

Improve your English while doing a different outdoor social activity!

Join us to see the Phoenix Park: one of the largest enclosed public parks in any capital city in Europe!

This park was originally formed as a royal hunting Park in the 1660s and opened to the public in 1747. A large number of fallow deer still remain to this day. The Park is also home to the Zoological Gardens, Áras an Uachtaráin (where the President of Ireland lives), and Victorian flower gardens.

There are so many walks and cycle trails available to the public and all provide great views and selfie spots! Just remember that it is ok to take a picture with the herd of deer but not to feed them!

We’re meeting as usual at MHL Café at 1:50 pm. From there a 30 minutes walk will take us to the entrance of the park.

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