End of course exam entry policy

Students from Non-EEA countries, studying on courses of 25 weeks or more which appear on the Interim List of Eligible Programmes for Student Immigration Permission are required to do an external examination at the end of their course.
All exams are run by an external examiner approved by the Department of Justice and Equality Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service and grades are authenticated by the approved external examiner.

Appendix-A shows a list of courses and corresponding entry levels, minimum exit levels and the required external exit examination.

When you apply for an ‘Academic Year English’ programme at ISI an Examination Registration fee of €180 (Nov 2022) is automatically added to your invoice and must be paid in full, in advance, together with your tuition fees.

This examination registration fee covers the following exams:

  • Trinity ISE – all levels
  • CELS TIE – all levels
  • Cambridge PET – B1 level

If you wish to take the Cambridge FCE, CAE, CPE or IELTS exam, you will have to pay a supplementary exam fee of between € 10 – € 40 (depends on exam centre and a possible increase in fees in 2020). You will be advised of this during your first week.

5. On your first day at ISI, you will take a Level Test and your Entry Level will be recorded. You will be advised by our Academic staff on the External Examination which suits your level and your career or study path. The Academic staff member can answer any questions you may have about the exam.

6. Once you have chosen which examination to do you will be required to sign a contract. A sample contract is attached to this document as Appendix B. This contract will be held by ISI and can be inspected at any time by the Garda National Immigration Bureau.

7. ISI will record your Entry Level and your Minimum Exit Level on your fil. You will be placed in a class corresponding to your Entry Level.

8. Our Academic staff will register you for your exam and pay your fee on your behalf. Their email address is academic@isi-ireland.ie

9. Examination dates and locations are displayed on the student noticeboards around the school.

10. 2 months before the exam date, your teacher will discuss your level and which exit examination level you should sit. For example, if you have progressed very quickly from your Entry Level and you are capable of doing an examination at a higher exit level, you can choose to do so voluntarily.

11. The result of the exit exam will be recorded on your file, in Class Infospeed Software and on a separate External Examination Excel Sheet, held by the Academic Department. Under your visa conditions, ISI may share the result of your External Examination with ISI staff, the Garda National Immigration Bureau and with Inspectors from ACELS/QQI.